Journal - 74th Day

Saturday, Aug 6th, 2011

Wow, it's 74th day. It fells like I just arrive here yesterday, time is running fast, I think....
And in the end of this month I will go to the Company and start the field training. Sounds great ha..
Getting closer to end to The AOTS Course, there's a lot of things that have to be prepared, Japanese Language Training Final Presentation, Introduction Presentation in DENSO, Final Exam, woooww... It's just great.. A lot of things to do.. And a lot of things have to be prepared.
Move it out. Ganbaroooo.....

But yesterday, I saw the smiling face of my baby.. It's Cute....
She will be smart, wonderful, impact full, and a leader in the change of her generation..
She's my baby...


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