Journal - 3rd Day

木曜日, 2001年05月26日

Just as my Japanese Boss (Mr.Yoshimura) has said, be watch for 1 & 3 in Japan, 1st day, 3rd day, 1st week, 3rd week, 1st month, 3rd month, 1st year and so on, i live this day with new spirit. and this is it..

Before I start this session I checked out, the placement test result, this test is to determine which class I join. I saw the announcement on the 2nd floor of training building. And I join the "E" Class, together with other 8 people.

The 1st session of this day is lecture class, and
today's theme is about Japan's people daily life, Japanese table manner, and how to manage our garbage in Japan. This session starts at 09.00, in 1st floor 11th room. In the first theme discussion, we watch video about daily life of a Japanese Section Head of a company. The purpose of this activity is to understand the daily life of a Japanese.

Some fact that I noted on this video :
  1. 1. The price of a house in Japan is very expensive, for a house in sub urban area, it cost about Rp 4 Miliar.
  2. Japanese used to work using public transport such as bus and train to go to work, not use their car even if they have car.
  3. The salary of a Section Head is just enough for their daily life, usually due to high price of daily needs goods, and for the other bill, such as assurance, house, etc.
  4. And they used to go out for some drink with friend after work, but this culture a little bit change right now due to bad condition of Japan Economic in the latest day.
The next session we discussed about Japan table manner, what to be noted related with Japan table manner :
  1. The rice bowl and the other bowl (such as soup bowl and other) can be lifted up and hold, while eat.
  2. For plate it's not OK if we lift up the plate.
  3. Use chopsticks properly, we may not, put the chopsticks upright on the rice bowl, and also we may not pointing to the food using chopsticks.
  4. We may not have sound while we eating, except when we eat noodles.
  5. We can talk when we're eating, but be careful not talk when our mouth full of food.
  6. Usually when we eat on the restaurant with some friend, it's an usual condition if we pay the bill separately.
The Next theme is garbage management. In japan, we need to manage the garbage carefully, if we don't manage it well the garbage man won't take our garbage, and it will be a problem. There's some guidance to manage our Garbage, each city as each own guides.
Basically our garbage need to be separated according it's type, does it can be recycled or not, can be burnt or not, and so on, even for one product, sometimes we need to separate the part, example; for PET Beverage bottle, in Nagoya we need to separate the bottle, the cap, and the plastic label, because it has a different treatment when recycled. This is some guideline photo :

The 2nd Session is Japanese language class, this class starts at 13.30, on Room 38th. As I described before this class member is 8 people; 5 Vietnamese, 1 Chinese, 1 Brazil, 2 Indonesian.
The sensei name is 杉本 Sugimoto-san, a 66 years old man, but he's still very energetic and active, just like the other elder in Japan. In the beginning our teacher gave us the handbook used in this class, the book used is 新日本語の基礎1 (Shin Nihon go no kiso I) and 新日本語の基礎2(Shin Nihon go no Kiso II), a different from the book I used to learn Japanses Language before I go to Japan (before I use 皆の日本語1(Minna no Nihon go 1). Today activity is just review, but we still get some homework.


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