Journal - 4th & 5th Day
It's already 4 days I don't update this Journal. So this is it, the weekend report and also today's activity..
Fri, May 27th, 2011
The only activity on that day is only learning, we learn Lesson 13 & 14 of Shin Nihon go Kiso I,Senseiis Ogawa-san. This just an usual day.
Sat, May 28th, 2011
That was Saturday, and we're learn Japanese, but it's only half day. We've learn Lesson 16, Sensei is Atarashi-san. The rest of day, together with Vetnamese, Dan-san, Thong-san, Huan-san, Huy-san, together we go to Nagoya, Osu Kannon, and that was interesting. This is it.

Fri, May 27th, 2011
The only activity on that day is only learning, we learn Lesson 13 & 14 of Shin Nihon go Kiso I,Senseiis Ogawa-san. This just an usual day.
Sat, May 28th, 2011
That was Saturday, and we're learn Japanese, but it's only half day. We've learn Lesson 16, Sensei is Atarashi-san. The rest of day, together with Vetnamese, Dan-san, Thong-san, Huan-san, Huy-san, together we go to Nagoya, Osu Kannon, and that was interesting. This is it.

We depart from CKC at 12.30, it was rain, because there's taifun come closing to Japan from Philiphine, i didn't bring umbrella, just using my waterproof jacket, luckily the rain wasn't very hard. We went from CKC to the nearest Train Station Josui by walk, and it took about 15minutes, a little bit far. From that Station we went by train Meitetsu, Takayama line, fare was 680 Yen untilOsu Kannon station,thatwas a regualr Electric train, but after Akaike station it was a part of Nagoya Chikatetsu (Subway) Network. We got down on Osu Kannon station after about 40 minutes, getting closser to Down Town (Osu Kannon is Nagoya's Downtown) the passanger getting much more.

After get down, we ealk to the Osu Kannon, just about 2 minutes on foot. Actually Osu Kannon, is a Buddha temple, but arround it there wasmany shop, and Osu Kannon is the most famous shopping area in Nagoya.These shop was selling many things, clothes, electronic, souvenier, food and much more. We went around a little bit, myVietnamese want to bought Notebook, so we looked for Computer shop, many people says that there was many people sell used and cheap computer, but we didn't find one. We found one computer shop, and it was Good Will shop, it was a big shop, it have 4 levels, and sell computer parts, software, notebooks, and also anime things. Finally after take a look on the shop, my friend had a choice, and it was an Acer Notebook (I forget the series), the price about 55.000 Yen, or about Rp 5.500.000. A great notebook with i5 processor, 500GB Hardisk and 2GB Ram, but we can't take the notebook on the same day, we need to come again in the sunday to take the notebook.

When we go back to the Train station we walk around the nagoya city, and Pass the Nagoya City Science Museum. In front of it, there is a beautiful park. Here's some screen shoot of the park.
After have a little walk more we get back to CKC, using the same train, and we got back at CKC arround 6pm. It was fun, but alittle bit tired and wet.