Journal - 2nd Day
Okay.. this is the second day..

May 25th, 2011
Today's activity starts on 17.30, and it was breakfast,hehe...
for AOTS activity starts from 09.00, it was an opening event of our class of AOTS, 13W AOTS Program. 13 people join this program, they are from Indonesia, Vietnam, and Chine, and for all of us there's a translator today. In this Opening event, Mr. Nanami & Mr. Tanaka explained about AOTS itself and also the activity of our program. AOTS (The Association for Overseas Technical Scholarship) as it's name this organiza
tion together with Economic Minister of Japan, provide technical scholarship for other countries, mainly Asia, Africa and South America.
This AOTS Program consist of some activities :
1. In class training
2. Company visit
3. Field work
4. Japanese language class
5. Presentation
In this session we also had explanation about what to be done and cared along the AOTS program, the alien registration card, and also the assurance we get when we join this program, for health assurance, basically Japan government cover all this that related with our health. But f
or all people who intend to live in Japan more than 90 Days need to make Alien Registration Card, on each TownHall. This opening activity done until 12.00.

The next session starts from 13.00, it's about Field Work Guideline. All of this Program's member will work in their company after the AOTS program ended, so we need some Guideline about this Field Work. This session's purpose is to make us understand the purpose we sent and trained in Japan, and also what expected from us, after that we got some suggest and what need to be prepared to achieve all of that.
This session ended with Placement test for japanese language class. In consist of 2 kind of test :
1. Aptitude Test, this test's purpose to examine how's our skill on language (common language)
2. Japanese Language Skill, this test examine our japanese language skill, consist of such an usual language proficiency test, like writing, reading, grammar, listening, etc. and this this test ended with an interview. The test result will be announced tomorrow morning. Just can't wait to see..