Journal - 4th & 5th Day

It's already 4 days I don't update this Journal. So this is it, the weekend report and also today's activity.. Fri, May 27th, 2011 The only activity on that day is only learning, we learn Lesson 13 & 14 of Shin Nihon go Kiso I,Senseiis Ogawa-san. This just an usual day. Sat, May 28th, 2011 That was Saturday, and we're learn Japanese, but it's only half day. We've learn Lesson 16, Sensei is Atarashi-san. The rest of day, together with Vetnamese, Dan-san, Thong-san, Huan-san, Huy-san, together we go to Nagoya, Osu Kannon, and that was interesting. This is it. We depart from CKC at 12.30, it was rain, because there's taifun come closing to Japan from Philiphine, i didn't bring umbrella, just using my waterproof jacket, luckily the rain wasn't very hard. We went from CKC to the nearest Train Station Josui by walk, and it took about 15minutes, a little bit far. From that Station we went by train Meitetsu, Takayama line, fare was 680 Yen untilOsu Kann...