Journal 7th - 10th day
A week has go after the first time I go to Osu Kannon (大須漢音) this week is a Learning week, we have some Japanese language class, and also Lecture class. Lets start.

7th Day - Mon, May 30th, 2011
We have a Japanese language class that day, it was interesting and fun like usual. This is some photo of it. And also some photo of CKC's sports facility.
In this day we also have Lecture about the characteristic of Japanese company, and this is the great one.
This lecture class starts on 13.00, with speaker from KATSU Consultant, Mr. Eiichi Matsuda. We start by giving any question or impression of Japanese Company. Each of us is requested to give a question or impresion, some of it :
- Why in Japanese company they have a lot of meetings ? (CHINA)
- Usually in Japanese company, salary and promotion related with age and how long we have been working in the company, how about young workers who have a great skill ? (INDONESIA)
- Japanese Company really take an attention on safety. (VIETNAM)
Then all of this impression is explanation on class. There's many things that I get from this class, I can't explain all of that here, but there's some important point that I noted on class.
- Salary and position actually increasing along the age and working period, there's a wise word "it's better to move 100 people slowly, rather than accelerate 1 people" but for a highly talented young staff it doesn't meant that their skill is abandoned, the boss also watch it carefully and will influenced the carrier of the young staff.
- Japanese people usually work on a lifetime in the company they've work from the first time, and move to another is a very rare condition, unless in a reasonable reason. This condition also affected in high loyality of the worker, and they will survive how hard the condition is.
- They have a flexible organization to cover any possible condition that might be occur.
- Operator or the lowest level also involved in improvement, to make the company better, there's a great reason of it, "human has a great potential, which is useless and also unprofitable if they only do a regular work".
- In Japanese company, personal relation is the basic and the most important things of all activity, so they really take care of it.
That's it some note that I take in the lecture, that gave me a new knowledge about Japanese culture, and also Japanese Company.