
Showing posts from 2011

Journal - 106th Day - Mount Fuji

木曜日、2011年09月08日 Thursday, Sept 8th, 2011 "Mount Fuji - 3776m - The Highest Place in Japan" Ya, sesuai dengan judulnya, ini tentang Gunung Fuji, yang konon katanya gunung yang paling indah di Jepang, dan merupakan salah satu gunung berapi dengan bentuk terindah. Akhir bulan lalu, saya mendaki gunung tersebut, namun malang tak dapat ditolak, kamera yang saya bawa ke sana, dalam perjalanan turun hilang, entah jatuh atau setelah saya foto, saya lupa menaruhnya, jadilah saya tak punya kenang2an sama sekali walaupun sudah pergi ke Gunung Fuji, dan mencapai titik 3776m, titik tertinggi di Jepang. Preparation Tepatnya, hari Kamis-Jumat, 25-26 Agustus , setalah kira-kira 2 bulan persiapan fisik dengan olahraga (walau tidak setiap hari, hehehe..) saya memutuskan untuk berangkat mendaki ke Gunung Fuji. Karena tidak ada teman yang bisa diajak, akhirnya saya berangkat sendirian. Untuk mendaki Gunung Fuji, ada 4 jalur pendakian yang bisa kita lewati, Kawaguchiko Route, Fujinomiy...

Journal - 91th Day - CKC Last Day

Tuesday, Aug 23th, 2011 火曜日、2011年08月23日 "The Last Day, in CKC - Chubu Kenshu Center" Yes, this the last day, in this Training Center. 3 months, I've been learning Japanese Language here, yesterday I got the Final Test, and today the Final Presentation. Is it over ? Not yet, tomorrow, I'll start training in the Factory, and I think this is the hardest point. There's a lot of things that got to be learned, and of course the real test of Japanese Language. But, it will be interesting. Not every got a chance like me, can go to Japan, and I won't waste it. One is over, and the new one is starting. This is life, over and start, over and start, over and start. There's no final point I think, it will be flowing, and always flowing. But still, it only once. Don't waste it, you don't meant to be a tail, you're gone be a head. See you on the next Report. Mount Fuji Climbing. August 25-26, 2011.

Journal - 86th Day

Thursday, Aug 18th, 2011 木曜日、2011年08月18日 "Tidak pernah ada..." Tidak pernah ada waktu seindah saat ku bersamamu Tidak pernah ada hal seindah perhatianmu Tidak pernah ada hal termulia selain maafmu Tidak pernah ada asa terindah selain mimpimu Tidak pernah ada nyaman seperti di pelukanmu Tidak pernah ada mimpi terindah selain bersamamu Dan tidak pernah ada semangat selain senyummu yang menungguku di sana.. Tidak pernah ada..

Jornal - 85th Day

Rabu, 17 Agustus 2011 水曜日、2011年08月17日 MERDEKA!!! 17 Agustus, khusus kali ini, Blog Entry saya tulis dengan Bahasa Indonesia, sebagai peringatan Hari Kemerdekaan Indonesia. 17an pertama di luar Indonesia, gempitanya tidak terlalu terasa disini, tapi berbeda di dalam hati ini. Indonesia yang lahir dari perbedaan, dari perjuangan, telah tumbuh menjadi bangsa yang besar. Bangsa yang diperhitungkan di Asia. Bangsa yang terus bergerak maju meski dengan terseok-seok, meski dengan luka ditubuhnya, yang ironisnya disebabkan dari dalamnya sendiri. Saya tetap bangga menjadi bangsa Indonesia, tetap bangga dengan Garuda dan juga Merah Putih. Meski banyak luka, meski terseok2, meski penuh dengan corengan korupsi, meski dengan bulu-bulu yang mencoba lepas dari tubuhnya, Garuda tetap terbang dan tetap membanggakan. Kepak sayapnya, tatapannya yang tajam, tetap akan membawa tubuhnya ke tujuannya. Dan Garuda itu milik kita semua, bangsa Indonesia, bukan sekedar milik presiden-presiden kita, buk...

Journal - 75th Day

Sunday, Aug 7th, 2011 日曜日、2011年08月07日 "First Seen Machine - location : Japan" Today I was ironing my clothes, when I realize there's some machine that I think I saw it for the first time, in Japan. And what kind of machine : 1. Clothes Drying Machine You can see in the picture (left), the upper machine. The machine located int the bottom is the ordinary Automatic Top Loading Washing Machine, and the upper one is the Clothes Drying Machine. Yes, I think, here in CKC is the first time i see that kind of machine, maybe in Indonesia there's a kind of this machine, but I've never see it. As it names, it used to drying our clothes after wash it. It need a gas (LPG or LNG) to work. The clothes inside the machine is rotated, an heated, I think that's how this machine works. And after 30 min (a little bit long) the process is finished, and our clothes is amazingly dry, just like we've put it outside all day long in a bright sunny day, totally dry. Wow, if there...

Journal - 74th Day

Saturday, Aug 6th, 2011 土曜日、2011年08月06日 Wow, it's 74th day. It fells like I just arrive here yesterday, time is running fast, I think.... And in the end of this month I will go to the Company and start the field training. Sounds great ha.. Getting closer to end to The AOTS Course, there's a lot of things that have to be prepared, Japanese Language Training Final Presentation, Introduction Presentation in DENSO, Final Exam, woooww... It's just great.. A lot of things to do.. And a lot of things have to be prepared. Move it out. Ganbaroooo..... But yesterday, I saw the smiling face of my baby.. It's Cute.... She will be smart, wonderful, impact full, and a leader in the change of her generation.. She's my baby...

Pic - Toyota City Fireworks 2011


Journal - 68th Day

Sunday, July 31th, 2011 Today, I went to Toyota City Oiden Matsuri. Actually this Matsuri (Festival) held since yesterday, but I only went today. Oiden Matsuri as far as I know is a Dance Festival (CMIIW). The dance festival has been held yesterday, and today is the Fireworks. As usual, if there's any festival, the will be crowd of people, and there is it. Since I get into the train in the Josui Station, it's already full of people, and even when I get back to the Center it's full of people, even in the road. Yeah, thats festival. About 2 weeks ago, I also went to Sea Day Festival in Nagoya port, there's also fireworks held. The Toyota City fireworks is take a longer time than Nagoya fireworks, it was about 2 Hr. But, the final fireworks of Nagoya is greater than Toyota City, in my opinion. Anyway, it was fun, even I have to watch it by standing for 3 Hr...

Journal - 48th Day

Mon, Jul 11th 2011, 月曜日、2011年07月11日 今日まで、最後のブロッグを書くときから、時間がかかっています。あまりブロッグをかきたくないので。でも,今からがんばってブロッグを書きます。 私たち、日本語のEクラスは今まで,日本語勉強が進んでいます。今日まで(7月11日)第47かの「日本語の基礎2」勉強しました。最近の日本語勉強はだんだん難しくなりました。 来週の土曜日、採取の試験があって,毎日一所懸命勉強しています。 がんばろ!!! It has been a long time, since the last time i write on this blog. Actually there's a lot of things that can be written, but I just don't want to write. Japanese language class is getting harder this time, there are many hard new grammar, also the vocabulary. However I have to learn harder, because next Saturday, I will have final exam. Wow! Ganbaroo!!

Journal-20th Day

Monday, June 13th 2011. 月曜日、2011年06月13日。 こんにちは、みんあさん。ここは私の先週の活動です。月曜日の午後、生け花と茶道の講義がありました、私たちは生け花の歴史を勉強しました。私たちも生け花を作りました、面白かったです。生け花の講義が終わったら,茶道の講義があります。その講義は地下の1階にありました。私たちは茶道をしました。そのとき私たちお茶を飲んで,お菓子を食べて,しました。面白かったですがお茶の味は苦かったです. Hehehe.. that is my activity on that day on Japanese, just learn to use the japanese language. And what was i'm saying ? Last monday afternoon, we have a lesson about Japan Culture, it was Ikebana (Flower arrangement) and Tea Ceremony. Ikebana is a ceremony for arranging flower, in the past time it was done in Shrine, to honor God. In this ceremony man or woman who had the ceremony have to wear Japan traditional clothes, which is Haori for woman and Hakama for man. We were watching the video of the ceremony. After the class lesson, we also make some ikebana, all of us separated into some group which consist 2 people, each group have to make some ikebana using the flower provided. There's some rule in ikebana : Ikebana should be beautiful in every direc...

Journal - 17th Day

Wed, Jun 9th 2011 水曜日、2011年06月09日 After a wonderful and happy class on Monday, and Tuesday, this day we have an outdoor activity, make the Gaikoku Jin Torokusho (Alien Registration Card - why Alien ???). This card is an identity card for them who willing to stay on Japan more than 3 Months, and because all of us in this program will stay more than 3 months, we make this Alien Registration Card. Before to Toyota Shi Admninistration office, there's something that we have to prepare first : Passport Self portrait photo with size 3,5 x 4,5 cm, 2 pcs. We have to prepare it before we go. The most strange things to prepare is the self portrait photo, the size is uncommon for Indonesian People, usually in Indonesia the size is 3x4cm, but this size is common in Japan, for the photobox machine (machine which we can take our photo inside and get the result instantly) this size included in the option of size. I have bring my 3x4 photo from Indonesia, so I did not need to take a photo again. Be...

Journal - 13th Day

The journey is continue.. Last time i was going to Nagoya City, do a field work finding Higway Bus Center. This is the next day of our activity in Japan. Sun, Jun 5th, 2011 日曜日 2011年06月5日 This is sunday, and it's a holiday day. In this training center, in saturday we have a half day class, but in sunday it's full holiday even the cafetaria also holiday. In sunday, our main activity is find food for eat, hehehe.. This day, my other activity is go to Toyota-Shi. In Japan, Toyota has it's cown city, called Toyota City (Toyota-Shi) in Japanese system. Basicly this city is the center of all Toyota activity, including all of it's supplier, so it's a big city, but not a crowd city. As another city in Japan, it's clean and great arranged. We go to Toyota city using train from Josui Station (Meitetsu Line), the ticket from Josui to Toyota Shi is 390 Yen, and it takes time about 10 minutes, only 3 station after Josui. In Toyota city I was go to the "Hyaku Eng Shop...

Journal - 12th Day

Sat, Jun 4th 2011. (Field Work) 土曜日、2011年、06月 04日 After a week in the class, that day we become a special task force team , yes, by any means we have some task that need to be done, and we done it as a team. Our Class 11-C003 class is combined with class 11-C004, and separated into 5 team, I was in Group 5, consist of 5 men (3 Vietnamese, 2 Indonesian), the largest team of all teams. Basically our task is to go to some place, and there's something that we have to be done there. To go there we required to ask the Japanese people where's the place and how to get there. This is the basic task that have to be done : Ask the Japanese people how to get there (the road name, transportation, etc.) Have a lunch in Japanese restaurant, and request the receipt. Ask the Japanese to get our picture using our camera. Have a call to CKC on 14.00 - 15.00 to inform whether our task has done or not, and also our position. Besides this basic task, each team has special task. My group have to go t...